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Fort Lauderdale Florida Beach Tale
Fort Lauderdale, Florida!!
Where the sun never sets and the water flows free.


ink, crosshatch filter artistic fresco filter ink splatter filter spray sumi-e filter
mexxotint fine lines filter Florida Institute of Art Fort Lauderdale Art Institute diffuse distortion glow filter
lens blur filter Institute of Art Art Institute of Florida distort twirl filter
dust scratch filter sketch water paper filter colored pencil filter crystallize pixelate filter

Here's the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. Since it's the Institute of Art, we wanted to do something cool but couldn't decide on an effect (the file names of each image describe what effect was applied if you are curious).

This Art Institute has a big FOOD component.  Who wouldn't like that?  Perhaps all arts should have a food component.  We may be on to something here...

To the Beach!

Las Olas (beach time)
Las Olas! Las Olas! The Waves! (seen here during a total solar eclipse:-))

Florida Beach Swim Patrol
Nothing like a nice day on the sand to really get that hat-juice flowing...
  Miami Beach Sun Hotels
And to work on that dark hat complexion.



The many hats of Fort Lauderdale.



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